Tuesday, August 08, 2006

lets guess

bon, puiske chacun se pose des kestions sur le liban actuel, amusons nous:
n'avez vous jamais pensé a ce ke l'amerique "ba3aset" israel?
basons nous sur l'idée que "le pays d'israel" n'a kune seule force qui est "lA force militaire" et daaahh le hezb nekou 3ardon!!!
ne pourrait-on pas se poser des questions sur ce point? peut etre ke l'amerike veut degonfler israel dans le moyen orient!!! enfin peut-etre....



29 tadakhoul:

Blogger 3D mich said...

ummmmmm dear sahar
intresting way of describing our situation knowing that :

Opinion polls confirm that Americans are solidly on Israel's side. A USA Today/Gallup poll conducted on July 28th-30th showed that eight in ten Americans believed that Israel's action was justified—though a majority were worried about the scale of the action. A plurality (44%) thought that America was doing “about the right amount” to deal with the conflict. An earlier USA Today poll found that 53% put “a great deal” of the blame for the current crisis on Hizbullah, 39% put the blame on Iran and only 15% blamed Israel.

now, a very smart question :Why is America so much more pro-Israeli than Europe?

The most obvious answer lies in the power of two very visible political forces: the Israeli lobby (AIPAC) and the religious right. AIPAC, which has an annual budget of almost $50m, a staff of 200, 100,000 grassroots members and a decades-long history of wielding influence, is arguably the most powerful lobby in Washington, mightier even than the National Rifle Association.

in other words i think america and israel ar so alike "metel el er wel baydat m3al2in biba3doun wmafiyoun yniko ba3doun"

8/08/2006 1:07 AM  
Blogger shrrr said...

ummmmm dear suzzzyyy
dont u think that more than the half of the americains are stupid? that they dont even know where lebanon is situated on the planet????
well theirs:the americains
and theirs the minorité in amerique, qui sont les protestants ki ont peur d'etre bouffé (c'est ce ki se passe partout chez les minorités) est-ce ke tu as deja vu un president americain non protestant?(il ny en a eu k'un et sebhan allah il a eté assasiné.)
anyway, l'amerique a toujour perdu militairement,vietnam,l'irak,etc...mais politiquement elle ne perd jamais.
sachant ke l'israel est entrain de perdre militairement(meme si des milliers du hezeb 3am yeftassouu), l'amerique veu kelle continue...
feek t2elly ennu akalou khara w akalou, but i was just wondering on that point!!!!
by the way, to add something on the "great deal" of the blame for the current crisis on hizballah: last night, on euronews, allMERDE said : this war isnt on hezballah, its on iran and syria"
and that wasnt shown on the local tvs.

8/08/2006 10:49 PM  
Blogger 3D mich said...

guyz um i do think it's all about the Anglo-American imperialism addiction on oil and petrollll the middle east war is only a $ war

check this :http://www.marxists.org/archive/cliff/works/1947/01/oil1947.htm

and um from my point of view in a time far far away the middle east is gona b an industrual atrocity land we 'll b the junk yard of the western world u know what i mean...

8/09/2006 12:24 AM  
Blogger shrrr said...

yes 3d mich, i agree with u about the future middle east...but still, america 3am betsheddellah dayneta la israel...

8/09/2006 5:08 PM  
Blogger 3D mich said...

ouf, intresting video

8/10/2006 5:34 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...


8/10/2006 9:55 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

headers>no but i was just wondering, and by the way? do u really think that we r phenician????????? well great and no comment!!!!!

8/11/2006 10:27 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

headers, ur making me cryyyyy, stop it!!!!!!!u phenicians r so touchyyy

8/11/2006 10:57 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

hahahahaha stop it ur so funny please stop it hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhahahaha

8/12/2006 9:11 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

well headers, i only stopped on ur 5th point wich is the question : are we arabs?"coz that exites me so much ahhhhhhhhh...
but now let me tell u something about the hiwar, in my point of view, the hiwar 3emel shwayet 3aj2a bel balad, ennu siyyarat, w darak, (and thats good "ictisadiyan") hehe, no seriously, al hiwar ken naw3an ma ta2 hannak, becoz iran and "nizam al souri" kennu barky 3am bi sheddu 3a Mr.H w heik ymatlouna bel hiwar, so anyway, even if kenu beddon yetla3ou bi natijeh, al hareb kenet ha tseer w kenet ha tseer....

8/12/2006 9:19 PM  
Blogger 3D mich said...

headress, dude um i think ur speach is kind of primitiv and ummm kind of shallow, take some time do some analisis think about the regional economie the impact of "who have the big money:D" the role of the fule and oil reserve in the middle east, ummm check this link:http://www.motherjones.com/news/feature/2003/03/ma_273_01.html

um it's a 1$ bill war it has nothing to do with hezbollah ( as the islamic resistance pro iranian metel mal3alam bi oulo :S) nor the regional warrrrr ( by the way this idea is kind of sick) ,......

8/14/2006 10:18 AM  
Blogger shrrr said...

siko> no you dont know who i mean by saying that they call themselves phenicians!!!
anyway the question of beeying arab or not is very large. what does beying arab means to u?

8/20/2006 7:55 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

and do u think that is if "a silly lebanese" wants to be arab, that would make wars?

8/20/2006 7:57 PM  
Blogger 3D mich said...


dude u r so funny ,ur talking about mamulukes, the ottomans, Alexander the Great, the Persians and others who envaded LEBANON !! ! ?!
dude since u know history am sure u kow that there was no such thing called lebanon in alexanders time haha therefore my friend ur examples or if i may say ur parallelisme of facts is kind of shallow cz u can't link these historical facts with the present ones simply because the interests of war or invasions are different.

beside, you are defending ur simple statement, dude ur statement is shallow, got it.

so stop defending a shallow analisis cz you are making a fooool out of urself, sorry i don't meen to b rude but the thing about alexander the great and lebanon wouuuuw that one was good haha

now, u accused me by : "You seem to be in the Pro-Arab Propoganda Camp, which just nags about the Zionist lobby in the U.S."

how the hell did u get this conclusion , based on what bicharafak, i just gave u facts dude and yet u seems to be so offended and u jumped me by ,in a way, defending the zionist lobby, dude it's simple if u love them go and join theme go live in israel .

8/21/2006 12:24 AM  
Blogger shrrr said...

headers and siko, are u brothers or sisters or i dono cousins?

8/21/2006 1:15 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

and by the way im not willing to answer your question siko, about the phenicien thing, thats a toooo obsolete, am so sorry...

8/21/2006 1:18 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

headers, nowadays we cant say that we r against or with someone, u have to make a little tour in lebanon, not only in the south or dahyeh, man its horrible. and no one said that we r with bashar's politics, but that doesnt mean that we have to say: "haydol al chi3a kharjon!!!"
so why r u agressing ?

8/24/2006 5:27 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

can u give me a solution? even if its ur personal point of view, i will work on it...

8/24/2006 7:45 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

complicated, it is, but i was just asking u to try 2 give me a kind of solution, as u, ur the one whos critisising the lebanese, so just give us a kind of solution, thats it,,,

8/24/2006 7:58 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

:) ur right...defenetly
getting more interesting by za way

8/24/2006 8:27 PM  
Blogger 3D mich said...

headerss, headerss, headerss


once again u r accusing me of being behind a kind of conspiracy and the thing about joining bachar haha that's funny u know y?!? because i just don't c the link about what am talking and joining bachar. weird accusation bref...

ofcourse we want lebanon to b independent strong and blablablablalba the same old symphony

u said :"Its like this, we know that Israel doesnt want us and nor do we, but we at least know their motives.. So we could build our country independently, and with keeping in mind that we have to watch out for them."

walla u know their motives !, aya motives bicharafak . my dear lebanese brother friend yeli bedak yeh each lebanese have it's own motives 4 israel build on his own paranoia don't u think, so ,,, we have a problem here :)

now for the "we could build our country independently and with keeping in mind that we have to watch out for them!!!!!!!!!!!!"
headerss dude don't u think that this situation is a bit schizophren i meen u want lebanon to b free and mostly mentally free and independent so the people would b smarter and more productive blabalabla eno modern world no! tab kif bedak ykoun modern world and still the idea of a big ( ba3ba3= monster) is near us maba3rif i think there is a missing link here.

topic 2:

some defenisions to clarify my point of vue bi kel chi :) and to make u stop accusing me bi ossas :):)

bachar is a dickhead
hassan is a dickhead
olmert is a dickhead
saniora is a dickhead
batrak is a dick head
mefte maba3rif min is a dickhead
and every bhim byetba3 hole el 3alam aw ma3oun aw ma3 ghayroun men el dickheads is a fucken dickhead

got it :) now all of these dickheads make u think and think hard therefore ur judgment and analisis will b more intresting on the ground.

finally the thing about i don t give a shit about palastenians and arabs dude 3ala ra2bit kel wahad lebnene eno yehtam bihole el adiyten mech daroure cz u love them no cz eza manhllit machekeloun nehna lahndalna nentek and byebye for lebanon yele 3ambtehke 3anno.

el mechekle headerss mech bi lebnen lmechkle bi cha3bo

8/25/2006 11:04 AM  
Blogger 3D mich said...

i do agree with u to exterminate the religious influence, shooting them would b extreme hehe i say nhajemoun w to seperate between religion god and stuff and the, um lets say more intellectual things as economics politics ,....

bon , as for the palastinans folder ummm by the diversity of clans and groups in lebanon it's abit hard not imposssible but hard to focus on the inner state(lebanon) while there is an older problem and suffering in our "jiran" land with a obvious influence on lebanon, it's kind of complicated as a formula we can discuss it later.

as for the :"By the way the Palestinians in lebanon, shouldnt they be wrking instead of the syrian dogs? "

i didn't get ur point.
plz do explain ur point eno fiya tenfaham bi caza me3na and i don't wana reply on it abel matwaddeha

8/25/2006 12:03 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

ho ho ho , "syrian dogs?" what does that mean headerss?
please watch ur language, walaw? this is pure ta3assob! pureeeeee ta3assob...how could u generalise a population, and plus 3am bet sebba??????

8/25/2006 12:37 PM  
Blogger shlon said...

your plan, headers, is simply a right-wing plan that occults more than 70% sensibilities in your "country".

It's the perfect example of what I call "the christian paranoïa" [the famous fear of being rejected in the sea].

I'd see your plan more this way:

1. Heballah to remove their weapons and give it to the army.

with no conditions at all? I mean can't we all get something against it? Like for example the release of american limitation to the lebanese army in terms of defensive weapons? for instance, or anything else?

This should be conditioned to have the consent and enthusiasm of all "arab nationalists" [you know, they're a big frange of your "country", can't obliterate them from your reflexion]

2. Hezballah to be a proper political party.

Isn't it? Isn't it a proper party, in comparison with all other lebanese parties?

Isn't it the most efficient in "internal" affairs? In social work? In political constance?

I'd prefer "all leb parties should be proper parties", with the development of a chart of Civilian Terms and Conditions for parties that they should abide by.

3. Hassan Nasrallh to stay in the mosque, and only deal with religious things.

Yeah, and Sfeir, Audi, and Sabounji should also stop their public practices of the Political things, in their mosques and churches, or salon in front of the TV.

4. Do the 1949 armistice with Israel.

You would condition this to the "return" of Shebaa farms [with your cedar guardian profile, i guess you'd like to eb3ass syria, here you go] and the drawing of the border with syria on this land, with the return of the lebanese prisoners and the handing of the mines map etc...

You'd also launch then a constant external politic of "the right of the pallestinian to return", closing the way to the potential panarab invectives of "killing the palestinian resistance", cuz then, it will not be difficult to close the mouths of the nations without a jebha maftou7a with il.

5. Demand that Syria opens an embassy in lebanon, and also the lebanese do the same in syria.

Uff, wow, as this was the most important thing to do in a case of economical and infrastructural collapse. You seem to be a genius.

Ok, if it can please you. With or without an embassy, you'll always have a mokhmokh, and as long as you're not a strong country with strong institutions it won't change a damn thing.

6. To present a proper economic plan to the lebanese people.

This is the most important point after point 2 "revised" [parties becoming proper parites], yet you put it number 6, that briefly.

As if the demise of hez weapons will make of this country again the Swiss of the ME [i doubt this a lot as long as there will still be a bunch of porks in governance]

7. To get out of the Arab League (as it is a waste of time).

This, said like this, is stupid and also defines you more in the category of "christian paranoïa" [applicable even if you're not christian]. Your phobia of the arabs is not constructive.

This point SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE, but tactically, after their stupid position during the war. To put pressure on it.

In itself, it has no point at all. Only psychologic for your kind.

8. Train the army moderately, and only make it a defense force (like the japanese & swiss).

"Moderately" wouldn't be the word. The Jap and Swiss army are monsters, wou7ouch, on the defensive path. They were not "moderately" trained. They are super-trained.

You can use this argument for pt. num 1, "disarming hez", and argue that you need a strong army first, and then you dismantle the resistance [which is the milicia that happens to have given lebanon a strategic weight, and can be exchanged for smth]

9. Separate religion from State (like turkey).

This should also be number one, separate the religion is a must.

It is good that you can go on, but i can guess that it will be to give us more classical clihé bullshit generated from the terrible "phoneician" mind.

8/26/2006 7:47 PM  
Blogger 3D mich said...

phoenician, are our ancesters?!?!?!

what do u mean by that enno ancesters lal lebneniye ama lal masihiye ? :)

please clarify
thx :)

8/27/2006 12:18 AM  
Blogger shrrr said...

siko> fou moi la paix avec cette question.

8/28/2006 4:41 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

à la con

8/28/2006 4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

c'est bien ma petite sahhoura????
je viens de decouvrir que tu as un blog. jai plus ton mail ma puce, j'ai l'encien. ecoute, et chai pas trop utiliser ce truc(jai pas trop de temps comme tu le sais) mais je voulais te dire un seul truc sur ce que tu as posté: ta toujours pas changée, notre petite revolutionnaire de classe, au point absurde mais laissant rever!!!ton jnoun me manques trop (mais t'etais beaucoup plu fofolle kand meme!!!)chou t'as grandie??héhé "j'en doute fort"!

9/01/2006 1:19 AM  
Blogger 3D mich said...

listen u

-i don't give a fuck about who u r and what's ur religion , machi ,khalina nkoun wadhin

-"It seems that you have an issue with religion man. Can you take it out of politics?"
hahah now this is smart !!

if u can t c the link between religion and politics in this fucked up country, ur simply a blind man ...

[no comments on the bahdale man :)]

9/08/2006 1:14 PM  

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