Thursday, February 22, 2007

The knowledge

As we say, we have to know, we have so little time to know, but we try to know everything in this given time…

When you know, you become someone better…
That’s a fact…

But, due to the fact that I am Lebanese, I’d prefer not knowing, staying ignorant…based on the fact that knowing is to become better.

Well, it’s been 3 or 4 weeks that I am not watching T.V., I breathe better, I work better, I give better…
This morning a friend of mine called, telling me all the news, beginning by a bomb was found in Ashrafieh; two days ago, a bomb was found in Dahyeh, Nabih Berry dono what, at the beginning of the coming month the situation will increase more and more and more…

From now on, if you are a Boss somewhere, just hire someone if he doesn’t watch the news, and if ur having an interview, tell the person in front of you that you don’t watch the news. I promise you you'll be hired, coz you'll be an efficient person ;)

Actually, I prefer my ignorance…☺ I’m really happy being an ignorant person in LEBANON.



14 tadakhoul:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe, i agree, kill all tv's!!!

2/22/2007 5:43 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

yes, eventhough we should kill al politiciens b4, but as we cannot, we can at least kill tv's...:)))

a bas les télés!!!

2/22/2007 5:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

As a person in this life, i am beginning to believe that the mentally retarded people are the angels on earth. because they don't understand anything about this fuckin hwgelgfwejkmgfvwbejcgwekjbc life (a curse).

2/22/2007 9:18 PM  
Blogger Najee said...

Focus on your life,
Focus on your work,
after all,
this is what politicians do
don't they?
they only worry about
their work.
even if the country, by the end of the day
does not WORK.

2/22/2007 9:23 PM  
Blogger Krys said...

Bombe a ashrafieh??
ou ca? ou ca??
quand ca?quand ca?

2/22/2007 9:24 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

krys, je tassure je nai meme pas demandé de details je te jure, je men fouuuuuuu

mee>>> well if the politicians did their work, everything WILL WORK, but actually they r not!!! they r watching tv just like the civilians, and they wait to know what did that say, and what did the other one said, and heik...thats it

2/22/2007 9:31 PM  
Blogger Najee said...

Dear Shrrr,
by now we should know
that their work is not
related to the country
not our country
at least

2/22/2007 9:42 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

their work is related to there pocket my friend, and i dont want to be watching tv just as they do, i dont wana be part of there game...i have my own life, and i hate their "Life" as we say that they "love life"...

2/22/2007 9:44 PM  
Blogger deuBleuDi said...

au fait il s'est avere ke la bombe d'ashrafieh n'etait autre qu'une de ces tantette (a ne pas confondre avec khyam) ki rentrai chez elle a 6 h du mat (je rispaicte)
et c'etait une fausse alerte a la bombe sexuelle
putain d'bled...
khalas plus politik pliiiiiiiz

2/23/2007 12:03 AM  
Blogger deuBleuDi said...

shrrrrr, grrrrrrrrrr je vais te suicider...

2/23/2007 12:07 AM  
Blogger gitanes legeres said...

u r certainely not an ignorant..
yalla bonjour shhrrrr..

2/23/2007 12:09 PM  
Blogger shrrr said...

une bombe sexuelle? wa ahhahahahaahahhahahahah

gitane>>> bonjour :)

2/23/2007 11:49 PM  
Blogger gitanes legeres said...


2/23/2007 11:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, our brain is not a gift, it's a curse... we'd be so much happier if we lived like animals (eating, sleeping, having sex...) Not necessarily in that order ;)

3/22/2007 2:59 AM  

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